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Converteo moves into North America with the opening of offices in New York and Montreal

After strong growth, between 20 and 30%, over the last 5 years in France and Europe, Converteo, a leading firm in the field of data and artificial intelligence consulting serving large companies, formalizes a presence in New York and Montreal. , outposts of the firm’s international expansion.

Converteo formalizes its presence in North America with the creation of a Converteo Inc. subsidiary registered in the United States, and the effective opening of two offices, one in New York, and the second in Montreal.

French firm created in 2007, expert in complex issues linked to the exploitation of data and AI, Converteo has experienced rapid growth in recent years, with more than 450 employees.

After supporting its first clients in Europe in recent years, Converteo was entrusted in 2023 with a first mandate in the United States, still ongoing, on behalf of a French CAC 40 industrialist which relies on the firm’s experts to develop its pricing strategy, tools and operations using AI.

Then, in May 2024, the firm was selected for a new multi-year mission on behalf of an international group in the luxury sector wishing to build and manage a measurement of the performance of its robust digital ecosystem that respects the privacy of its North American audiences.

Building on these recent successes, Converteo is formalizing its presence with the aim of accelerating its establishment in the United States and Canadian markets.

How do French players who export to the United States establish themselves with a French consulting firm model?

For Raphaël Fétique, CEO and co-founder of Converteo: “This opening of offices across the Atlantic was designed with the conviction that another model is possible: building a large, renowned consulting firm while preserving the well-being of its employees, ‘is possible. Advising large companies on their data issues while encouraging them to strengthen respect for the privacy of their customers, their partners, their employees is also possible, including in the United States. On privacy issues, Europe is ahead culturally and in its regulations and gives us strong credibility. »

Converteo has built a reference position on these subjects in its historical markets and aims to export its convictions to North America.


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