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nearly 4.2 million households will receive a transfer from the tax authorities, here’s why

The question of taxes is always in the news. According to the report from the General Directorate of Public Finances (DGFiP), published recently, 43.8% of taxable households made a transfer to the taxman in 2023. The share of households which benefited from a tax transfer is, as for it exceeds 10%.

A part that continues to evolve. In 2022, those who benefited from a refund represented 9.8%, compared to 9.4% in 2021. A refund benefiting nearly 4.2 million lucky taxpayers, under the effect of tax credits. As a reminder, the tax credit is an amount deductible from the taxpayer’s tax bill.

When it is higher than the tax, the excess is paid to the taxable household. Concretely, if the tax credit is 500 euros, while the amount of tax is 300 euros, the tax authorities will be responsible for paying the remaining sum of 200 euros into the account of the taxpayer concerned.

In addition to avoiding paying taxes, the tax credit allows you to receive a bonus. It is possible to take out a tax credit for various situations, such as childcare, personal assistance services, or even gardening work.

A total of 8.06 million tax credits in 2023, according to the DGFiP

According to the DGFiP report, the number of taxable households stood at 17,842,909 in 2023, which represents 43.8% of the total 40.7 million tax households. A share two points lower than that of non-taxable households, which was 45.8%. The report also highlights that more and more tax credits are allocated each year, increasing the share of households receiving a refund to 10.4%. In total, 4.64 million households benefited from a tax credit for home employment awarded by the tax authorities, which represents on average an amount of 1,204 euros per household per year.

The number of households benefiting from tax credits for childcare is 1.89 million, for an average annual amount of 857 euros. Finally, there were 1.27 million beneficiaries of tax credit for union dues, for an average amount of 113 euros.

To benefit from this tax advantage, it is necessary to mention the amount of these services on your tax return, which will be taken as a reference in the calculation of the tax credit. If forgotten, taxpayers have until June 26 to correct their form via the tax administration website, without financial penalties. After this deadline, you will have to wait for the opening of the online correction platform, scheduled for July 31.


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