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‘Your time is coming, you have to pay’: violent man writes his ex’s name and address in his cell

A violent man who had managed to get rid of his anti-reconciliation bracelet went so far as to paper the walls of his prison cell with the name of his ex and her address, even inviting his fellow prisoners to go and harass her.

“I’m going to make sure that you can’t have a normal life anymore, that you always watch if you’re being followed. You will never pay enough,” wrote Luc Bouchard, among other violent remarks.


The 50-year-old man clearly cannot digest being in prison and he blames his ex-partner for his misfortune.

So much so that he recently asked his fellow prisoners to go visit his victim.


In addition to his name and address, other threatening phrases also decorated his space behind bars.


“You should take this opportunity to have fun, because that won’t be possible soon.”

“I’ll be out soon.” “Your time is coming, you must pay.”

Bracelet removed

Luc Bouchard had already found himself behind bars in 2023 for breaking into his ex’s house and beating her.

When he was released from prison, he was given an anti-reconciliation bracelet. But he was arrested again and sent to detention last January after he managed to remove the device.

The newspaper chose not to reveal how the bracelet was removed, for security reasons.

“Ho yes, I succeeded” he even boasted in a text message sent to his victim.


He was recently sentenced to 14 months in detention for having notably violated his condition of wearing a bracelet and for having in his possession cocaine.

In danger

A sentence described as “lenient” by judge Marc-Antoine Carette, who nevertheless endorsed the common suggestion of the parties at the Longueuil courthouse.

The public prosecutor clarified that this suggested sentence was the subject of negotiations and that it also avoids the holding of a trial.

Luc Bouchard has not yet been charged in connection with his hateful graffiti.

“These messages clearly demonstrate that this lady is in danger as soon as he leaves prison,” added Mr.e Éric Nadeau, Crown prosecutor.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Public Security made a point of recalling the effectiveness of the anti-reconciliation bracelet.

Since the full deployment of the anti-reconciliation bracelet program a little over a year ago, 1,075 police interventions have been deployed, for all types of alarms combined, the ministry said.

“I am scared”

“For two years, the situation has only escalated. When it gets there, it’s going to end in femicide.”

Luc Bouchard’s victim is panicked at the idea that her violent ex could soon be released from prison.

Recently sentenced to 14 months in detention, he could obtain his parole in the coming weeks.

The woman, who requested anonymity, went through hell at the hands of her ex. She describes him as an “explosive” character.

It was she who filed a complaint again in January shortly after the latter boasted about having removed his bracelet. At that time, they sometimes spoke, even though her ex was forbidden from contacting her.


“When I told him I didn’t want to know anything more, he became threatening. I said to myself: phew, he can take off his bracelet. I was scared,” she says.

But his concern escalated this spring. She says that police officers came to her home to inform her that there were fears for her safety.

The authorities had just discovered the threatening messages that Luc Bouchard had written in his cell.


“When I found out, my blood ran cold. I understood that he is not healing or working on himself. He is cultivating his hatred,” she says.

The woman also deplores not having been informed that her ex was going to plead guilty. She would have liked to be present in the courtroom and make herself heard.

Have the floor

“I wanted to show myself strong, stand up, and say: these are the consequences I am suffering,” laments the woman who is on sick leave due to these events.

Upon his release from prison, Luc Bouchard will again have to wear an anti-reconciliation bracelet for one year, in addition to being subject to a probation order for three years.

These measures are put in place to protect the victim when the criminal leaves prison. Despite everything, the woman is no longer at all reassured: “I’m afraid,” she whispers.

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