DayFR Euro

terrible news at 8,100 euros added to the pain of his mother Sandra…

The Economic Inspectorate inspected 216 funeral companies, 72% of which were found in violation, the FPS Economy indicated on Thursday. Almost half of the violations concerned incorrect price indication.


Of the 216 companies inspected, 155 were in default. The Economic Inspectorate found a total of 617 violations, or an average of four per company. She wrote 208 warnings and 12 reports.

In 46% of cases, the infringement concerned incorrect price indication (131 companies). Funeral directors therefore did not sufficiently inform their customers of the price of the goods and/or services offered.

Nearly a quarter (23%) of violations involved the purchase order. Forty-nine companies were not in order on this matter. In most cases, this was due to the absence of mandatory information on the purchase order, such as the seller’s signature. Four percent of the companies inspected did not systematically establish a purchase order when paying a deposit.

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Other violations noted include the absence of mandatory information on the funeral directors’ website and/or social media pages, or even incorrect information in the registration with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises. However, three quarters of the companies were in compliance on this point.

Sixteen companies were also found wanting because they accepted cash payments of more than 3,000 euros, which is prohibited.

8,100 euros

Sandra and Hugo can attest to this observation made by the FPS Economy. Speaking to our colleagues at VTM NEWS, the parents explained that they were shocked to discover the bill received after the death of their son.

If they had to endure the greatest pain when they lost Robin, 26, from a cardiac arrest last October, the shock was great when the only funeral directors in their village gave them a bill for 8,100 euros for the funeral of their son.

We therefore understand why almost half of the offenses concern incorrect indication of prices to bereaved individuals.


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