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the French for the reduction of social assistance?

With a growing budget deficit and declining economic growth, the government must reduce its spending to achieve the objectives it has set for itself. In this context, many French people would be in favor of the application of strict measures, such as the reduction of social assistance.

According to a recent Odoxa survey for Agipi, Challenges and BFM Business75% of French people surveyed say “ skeptics » as for “ the future of the economic situation of our country “. Despite this figure, the economic morale of the French seems to be improving, with an increase of 2 points compared to last month. Still according to this poll, a majority of French people believe that the fight against deficits and state spending is a priority over economic growth.

In detail, 59% of those surveyed are of this opinion, an increase of more than 7% in less than a year. For 67% of French people questioned, a reduction in public debt would have a positive impact on the country’s economy. To reduce the state budget deficit, the majority are those who are in favor of implementing very strict measures.

For example, 59% of French people are “for” a reduction in social assistance in France. That’s 7% more in just two months. It must be said that the various social and family benefits represent a significant weight on the state budget. In addition to individuals, nearly 50% of French people believe that aid granted to businesses should also be reduced. In 2022, subsidies and tax and social loopholes represented 157 billion euros.

In addition to social assistance, should the number of civil servants be reduced?

Still according to the same survey, 57% of French people surveyed say they are in favor of reducing the number of civil servants, an increase of 3 points in barely two months. In 2021, the number of public employees amounted to approximately 5,706 million workers.

In 2022, the State spent more than 130 billion euros to pay these public service employees. Finally, regarding an increase in taxes, more than 80% of people questioned as part of this study say they are unfavorable to an increase.


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