DayFR Euro

here is the date of the next revaluation

Faced with continued inflation, the French continue to see their purchasing power regularly eroded. This is particularly the case for retirees, who have difficulty with the transformation of a salary into a retirement pension. This financial development thus causes a loss of resources, which can be difficult to live with when you have to find solutions to maintain a decent standard of living. To support them in this process, pension increases are, therefore, one of the unmissable moments of a year. Find out the date of the next revaluation.

The French are finding it more and more difficult to finish their months, if we are to believe a recent study which mentions the considerable increase in consumer credit. Previously used for the purchase of a vehicle or the replacement of a household appliance, it is now an emergency solution to succeed in living decently every month. Retirees thus suffer from inflation and its consequences while they impatiently await the increase in their retirement pensions.

Retirement pensions are, in fact, reevaluated on a regular basis to maintain their purchasing power. These modifications are, therefore, influenced by economic factors, but also political decisions. As our colleagues at Pleine Vie explain, they reflect “complementarity between the financial viability of pension plans and national solidarity”. The basic pension was thus revalued on January 1, 2024 at 5.3%. An increase which concerned all basic pension management schemes including the Cnav, the SRE and the CNAVPL.

Retirement pension: what is the date of the next increase?

Alongside the basic pension, The Solidarity Allowance for the Elderly was also increased to 5.3% in January. Aspa increased to 1,012 euros per month for a single person and 1,572 euros per month for a couple. Carried out to relieve the French in their daily lives, these revaluations remain subject to a precise timetable.

For the moment, with regard to the basic pension, but also the revaluation of the Aspa or the minimum old age, no other dates have been announced. It would seem, according to the latest information, that we must wait until January 1, 2025 to see a new revaluation be proposed.

Retirement pension: what about supplementary benefits?

In the case of supplementary retirement, the last increase in Agirc-Arrco took place in November 2023 with a revaluation to 4.9%. The next revaluation is therefore planned for November 2024. Ircantec, for its part, followed the pace of the basic pension with 5.3% as of January 1, 2024.. For its part, the RCI recorded an increase of less than 4% on January 1, 2024.

As part of Cipav, the main supplementary pension for former liberal professionals, an increase of 4.3% was achieved while the revaluation of death disability plan benefits had been set at 4%. Finally, Cavec, the old-age insurance fund for accountants and auditors, established an increase of 6.14% on January 1.


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