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what awaits the French from November 1st

How much is the anticipated increase in the minimum wage announced by Michel Barnier from November 1st? We explain everything to you.

“This is not acceptable (…) The State will see to it. »

« There remain professional sectors in our country in which the minimums are lower than the minimum wage”recalls the head of the executive Michel Barnier. « This is not acceptable, and it will have to be the subject of rapid negotiations. The State will ensure this. »

« In addition, it has now been shown that our cost reduction system slows down the rise in wages above the minimum wage: we will see it again,” specified the head of government, who wants at all costs that “work pays”.

Smic: what awaits the French from November 1

« We will increase the minimum wage by 2% from November 1, in anticipation of the date of January 1,” indicated Michel Barnier during his general policy declaration to the National Assembly.

THEminimum interprofessional growth salary will pass to 1426 euros net per month from now (compared to 1,398.70 euros), an anticipated increase of two months compared to the planned date. In gross terms, the amount “will go from 1,766.92 euros to 1,802.26 euros per month”.

As recalled on the Public Service website, the minimum wage “ is revalued each year on January 1st. It is indexed to inflation measured for the 20% of households with the lowest income.

Its revaluation of the minimum wage is taking place “on the basis of half the purchasing power gain of the average hourly wage of workers and employees”explains the official website of the French administration.

This can also occur during the year if “ the consumer price index increases by at least 2% compared to the index observed when the last minimum wage amount was established, it is automatically increased in the same proportions”we can read there. This is the case in May 2023.

More ” At any time, the government can increase the minimum wage. » The last one dates back to 2012.

“A mark of contempt”

Consequence of the revaluation of the minimum wagewe can read in the columns of Le Monde, “the salary of “around 230,000” public agents (out of 5.7 million) will be increased by 6 cents on November 1st.”

The stated objective is to prevent them from being paid below the minimum wage“, indicated to the AFP, the General Directorate of Administration and Civil Service (DGAFP).

An increase “ paltry », deplores the CGT Civil Service. She cannot be received only as a mark of contempt and provocation by the personnel concerned » et « does not respond in any way to the salary emergency.”


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