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Samuel Cogolati’s (Ecolo) brief visit to the Trilateral Commission: “I didn’t know that an Alibaba manager was part of it”

“Being Green is not a defect!”

This year, the Global Meeting takes up residence in the heart of the Belgian capital, in a luxurious hotel on Avenue Louise. On the menu, hundreds of hand-picked guests and a multitude of conferences. Through the chic corridors, the baby face of French-speaking ecologist Samuel Cogolati emerges. The Hutois has recently discreetly joined the organization, although it is renowned for its vigorous defense of neoliberalism and globalization. “I found it interesting to introduce new perspectives into this Commission formerly monopolized by big capitalism“, he justifies.

A somewhat discreet arrival

His arrival? It took place quietly: no official communication and even less noisy advertising on the networks. It was Antwerp resident Thomas Leysen, a long-time member of the Trilateral, who introduced him to the group. At the end of 2023, the businessman with the endless CV (formerly head of the FEB and the KBC, current president of Umicore and the Flemish press group Mediahuis) suggested to Samuel Cogolati, then MP the House, to join the ranks of David Rockefeller Fellows (DRF). “At that time, I didn’t know the organization at all“, recognizes the Green.

Among the affiliates, we include the former general director of Boeing Leanne Caret, the CEO of Hess Corporation (an American oil company), representatives of Mitsubishi, but also the vice-president of the Chinese company Alibaba, Eric Pelletier.

The DRFs constitute a category in their own right within the Commission: often younger, these members are admitted for a period of only three years. Before him, Thomas Dermine (PS) and the very liberal Alexia Bertrand (Open VLD) for example held this title. “I was looking forward to meeting a whole series of interesting personalities. The former chief of staff of Elio Di Rupo and judge at the constitutional court Yasmine Kherbache is among the members. Just like the baron Frans van Daele, ex-chef of the cabinet du Roi Philippe.

The opposite of “popular ecology” ?

This summer foray, which has passed under the media radar, is surprising in more than one way. The values ​​advocated by the Trilateral indeed seem a thousand miles from “popular ecology of which Cogolati intends to become the spokesperson. A cursory glance at the list of members is enough to convince oneself of this. Among the affiliates, we include the former general director of Boeing Leanne Caret, the CEO of Hess Corporation (an American oil company), representatives of Mitsubishi, but also the vice-president of the Chinese group Alibaba, Eric Pelletier.


I didn’t know that an Alibaba manager was part of it, you tell me that… He was not present in Brussels otherwise I would have been keen to tell him what I think.

A delicate contradiction for the former parliamentarian, fierce opponent of Beijing? “I didn’t know that an Alibaba manager was part of it, you tell me that… He was not present in Brussels otherwise I would have been keen to tell him what I think”indicates Samuel Cogolati. He continues: “My role as a politician remains to talk about and defend our environmental struggles with everyone, from climate activists from Extinction Rebellion to central bank governors and heads of multinationals. I come from a small Walloon town and I don’t often have the opportunity to meet them.”

A rather quick start

The electoral debacle of June 9 will sound the death knell for this ephemeral transition to the Trilateral. In July, Samuel Cogolati and Marie Lecocq took over from Jean-Marc Nollet and Rajae Maouane at the head of the party. The new boss of the Greens then chose to leave the Commission. “Being elected to the presidency, I had to represent the entire movement. I did not want to stay in other organizations because it seemed essential to me to remain impartial. I ultimately only participated in 3 days of meetings in Brussels”he explains in a confident tone. On August 20, Samuel Cogolati announced by letter his departure from the Commission. At the time of writing these lines, the co-president of Ecolo has still not received an official certificate confirming his withdrawal from the international circle.

(1) This article was written with two students from the ULIège investigation unit (Imp4ct).

Marie Lecocq and Samuel Cogolati are the new co-presidents of Écolo. They were elected by 70% of activists in Louvain-la-Neuve.

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