DayFR Euro

Michelin: the unions have had no answers in the CSE and are calling on Florent Ménégaux

We don’t know much more at Michelin, the CSE Central this Wednesday did not provide the answers that the unions expected and hoped to be able to transmit to employees. The right to alert concerns the three sites of , and , sites in difficulty, strongly affected by a drop in production. Employees are worried about the future of these sites and fear rapid closure. In the absence of a response, the unions were able to read an assessment carried out on the three sites, which was not really reassuring. Activity has been reduced for several years, the outlook does not leave much hope and employees are in uncertainty.

The inter-union therefore extends its right to alert and requests the referral of the governing bodies, in other words, they want to meet Florent Ménégaux in person, rather than the officials present in the CSE. They are hoping for precise answers from the Michelin boss. They are also requesting a meeting with industrial managers to study the different possible avenues for the three sites concerned by the right of alert. For the unions, it is especially urgent to relaunch social dialogue at Michelin “which has been broken for two years” according to Sud.

The situation of the three sites which could be threatened is not the only source of concern. The drop in production also affects other sites with vacations imposed for employees. This is the case at Gravanches (a site which operates 7 days a week) where production employees will be on leave the last week of October. In Blavozy, in Haute-, partial unemployment is planned, as far as we have been able to find out. The editorial staff contacted Michelin management but had not received a response as of Wednesday evening.


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