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the new government promises shock measures

Electric car news

The new Minister of Industry, Marc Ferracci, has just made an announcement which could well revolutionize the French automotive landscape. During a visit to the Stellantis factory in Sochaux, he affirmed his desire to revitalize the electric car marketcurrently losing momentum. Let’s dive into the details of this statement and analyze its potential repercussions on the automotive industry and consumers.

A market in search of new life

The observation is clear: the electric car market in is going through a difficult period. Despite the efforts of manufacturers and past government incentives, sales are not taking off as hoped. This worrying situation pushed Minister Ferracci to react in a strong and determined manner.

During his visit to Sochaux, the minister declared that he wanted “take measures to revive demand in a slipping electric car market”. This statement sends a strong signal to car manufacturers, who have long been waiting for greater support from the state.

The avenues considered by the government

Marc Ferracci did not hesitate to mention several potential levers to stimulate sales of electric vehicles. Among the options on the table are:

  • The revision of the ecological bonus-malus system
  • Specific incentives for professional fleets
  • The increase in public orders for electric vehicles

These measures aim to create a more favorable environment for the mass adoption of electric cars, both for individuals and businesses. The minister underlined his intention to“pull all the necessary levers”while recognizing current budgetary constraints.

The challenge of national production

Beyond supporting demand, the government also seems determined to strengthen the production of electric vehicles on French soil. The minister welcomed the initiative of Peugeot, which launched production of the 3008 and 5008 electric models in France.

This decision is part of a broader desire to “industrial reconquest”in the words of the minister. He stated that this process is “not only possible, but well and truly underway”. This approach aims to reconcile environmental objectives with the preservation and development of employment in the French automotive sector.

The challenge of competitiveness in the face of international competition

The minister’s announcement comes in a context of increased international competition, particularly from Chinese manufacturers. Recently, the European Union validated a proposal aimed at imposing high tariffs on Chinese manufacturers. This protectionist measure could give an advantage to European manufacturers, but it alone will not be enough to revive the market.

This is why the French government is considering going further. The minister mentioned a “work to be done on supporting the demand for electric vehicles”suggesting that specific measures could be put in place to favor national and European manufacturers.

Consumer and industry expectations

These announcements raise great hopes among car manufacturers and consumers. The former see it as an opportunity to boost their sales and accelerate their transition to electric. The latter hope for measures that will make electric cars more financially accessible.

Here is an overview of the expectations expressed by different market players:

Actor Main expectations
Builders Support for national production, aid for innovation
Consumers More generous ecological bonus, lower vehicle prices
Businesses Tax incentives for fleet renewal
Communities Support for the deployment of charging infrastructure

It is clear that the issues are multiple and that the measures to be taken will have to satisfy a wide range of stakeholders to be truly effective.

Towards an imminent announcement

The minister concluded his speech by promising that the government would decide “in the coming weeks” on these support measures. This close deadline demonstrates the urgency of the situation and the political will to act quickly.

As a journalist specializing in automobiles, I can only welcome this government initiative. It comes at the right time for a rapidly changing sector, facing unprecedented technological, economic and environmental challenges.

It remains to be seen what concrete measures will be announced and their real impact on the market. One thing is certain: the coming weeks promise to be crucial for the future of electric mobility in France. We will not fail to keep you informed of future developments in this exciting issue which could well reshape the French automotive landscape for years to come.

Written by Albert Lecoq

Specialist in electric car buying guides, I am passionate about new technologies and am a strong supporter of the adoption of electric technology and sustainable mobility.

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