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Nuclear fusion has taken a big step forward. has achieved what was then impossible!

is taking a giant leap towards the energy of the future! The West nuclear fusion reactor managed to maintain plasma at 50 million degrees Celsius for six minutes, a world record which opens up promising prospects for clean and inexhaustible energy.

France at the forefront of nuclear fusion

The future of clean energy is on the horizon. Indeed,
researchers from the Atomic Energy Commission

(CEA) have made a major breakthrough in the field of nuclear fusion, thus opening new perspectives for an inexhaustible and clean energy source.

The French West reactor, located in Cadarache, broke a world record by maintaining plasma at 50 million degrees Celsius for six minutes. This performance is a real feat, because it far exceeds the usual operating times of fusion reactors.

This success is due to the use of a tungsten coating, a material capable of withstanding the extreme temperatures and high stresses of plasma. Tungsten allows hydrogen atoms, deuterium and tritium isotopes, to be confined in the reactor, thus making it possible to create helium atoms and recover the energy released.

Thanks to this coating, the West reactor managed to efficiently manage the injected energy, producing 15% more energy compared to previous tests. Plasma density has also been increased twofold, a crucial factor for sustainable energy production.

A major turning point for nuclear fusion

This advance is of capital importance for the future of nuclear fusion. Indeed, nuclear fusion represents a clean, safe and almost inexhaustible source of energy. It does not produce greenhouse gases and does not generate dangerous radioactive waste.

The West reactor serves as an experimental platform for the ITER project, which will be the largest tokamak in the world. This ambitious project, which should enter service in 2030, aims to demonstrate the feasibility of nuclear fusion as a viable large-scale energy source.

Challenges remain to be met

Despite these spectacular advances, significant challenges remain. Nuclear fusion is an extremely complex process that requires extremely high temperatures and pressures. Plasma control and energy management are also crucial aspects to master.

Tungsten coating, while effective, also presents challenges. Tiny fragments of tungsten may break off and contaminate plasmawhich could cool the system and affect the fusion reaction. Continued research is therefore needed to optimize the technology and improve safety.

A glimmer of hope for the future

The success of the West reactor is tangible proof that nuclear fusion is a promising path for the future. France, with its cutting-edge expertise in the field, plays a crucial role in this energy revolution. The future of clean energy is underway, and researchers around the world are mobilizing to make nuclear fusion a reality.

This encouraging success opens new perspectives for the research and development of nuclear fusion. With sustained investments and increased international collaboration, nuclear fusion could become a major energy source in the coming decades, contributing to the energy transition and the fight against climate change.


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