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After , Easyjet will leave airport: the company announces the closure of 3 lines

the essential
While the airline has already announced the closure of its base at the beginning of the month, Easyjet has just confirmed that of its three lines serving airport in Oise. Opened in 2022, they serve the cities of , Lisbon and Milan.

It’s official, Easyjet is packing up! After Toulouse, the British airline announced Thursday September 26 that it would close its three routes serving Beauvais airport (Oise).

“Like all airlines, EasyJet constantly evaluates development opportunities,” explained the company in a press release, adding that it wanted to “focus today on lines with high demand.”

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The three lines, opened by EasyJet in 2022, serve Nice, Lisbon and Milan. The connection to Nice will be the last to close, by “the end of the 2024 summer season”, i.e. in October.

A first closure in Toulouse

The announcement comes after that of the closure of EasyJet’s Toulouse base, announced at the beginning of September. EasyJet wishes to close its base at Toulouse airport and launch a “limited” voluntary departure plan which would concern around thirty employees in .

Also read:
INFO LA DÉPÊCHE: Easyjet closes its base at Toulouse- airport, 125 employees impacted

Unlike Toulouse airport, Beauvais airport has never been a company base. “We never intended to open around fifteen lines in Beauvais”, we put into perspective within the airline, for which Beauvais has never been “a strategic axis of development”.

“EasyJet continues to be the second largest airline in France and to develop in the territories,” promises the company press release, which highlights the “22 airports served” by the company and the “more than 20 open lines This year”.


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