DayFR Euro

amazement for this Belgian who did not expect to receive an bill for… 223 euros! (photo)

Some people go to Turkey for the magnificent landscapes, others to cure their baldness, or even to attend football matches. But whatever the reason for the trip, there is one thing in common that all Belgians should pay attention to.

This common point is roaming. Since June 2017, roaming charges have been abolished in the European Union and certain countries which have been “assimilated” into the European Union do not present additional costs either. This is the case for Norway, Lichtenstein, Iceland but also Monaco, Andorra, Gilbraltar and the United Kingdom. This is not the case for Turkey, however.

In one second, I had reached the limit of 60 euros. And a new “package” of 60 euros has been activated

Ingeborg, who lives in the province of Limburg, learned this the hard way. Or not really. Because she was aware of it and had contacted , her operator, about this once on Turkish soil. “They offered to activate roaming with a limit of 60 euros,” she tells our colleagues at Belang van Limbourg. “I asked what that meant and I was told that I was entitled to 5 gigabits, so 12 euros per gigabit.” Quite enough for the Limburger. “And right after I called, I got internet straight to my phone. But in a second, I had reached the limit of 60 euros. And a new “package” of 60 euros was activated.”

It wasn’t at all what she had expected and Ingeborg called Orange back: “The call was long and the lady on the phone couldn’t help me.” And a few weeks later, disaster. However, Ingeborg received an invoice from Orange for… 223 euros! Enough to keep bad memories of this magnificent country.

Back in Belgium, Ingeborg learned that the price was actually 60 euros per megabit and not per gigabit. Not much, then.

Fortunately, everything is back to normal since, after receiving a reduction of 60 euros on her bill, Ingeborg saw Orange cover all roaming and call costs: “The customer is happy with the turn of events », rejoices Orange. “For customers traveling outside of Europe, we remind you that it is easy to prepare for your trip on the Orange website […] This can avoid misunderstandings.”

A good reminder therefore, because Ingeborg is far from being the only victim of this famous roaming.


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