DayFR Euro

A single ticket price of 2.5 euros from January 2025

From January 2025, the regional transport authority Ile-de- Mobilités (IDFM) will introduce a single fare for metro, train or RER journeys in the region, with a ticket set at 2.50 euros. This decision aims to simplify fares for the 4 million occasional users who buy single tickets and to make the transport network more readable.

This new rate will affect users differently depending on their journeys. Within Paris, the ticket will cost more, going from 2.15 euros to 2.50 euros, and the book of ten tickets, currently sold at 1.73 euros per ticket, will disappear completely. However, for journeys outside Paris, where OD (Origin-Destination) tickets are sold between 3.20 and 5 euros, this reform will lower costs.

A self-financed reform?

“The goal is to take the logic of the single Navigo pass to its conclusion. This time for occasional travelers with the same principle: the same transport price for all Parisians, whether they live in the outer suburbs or in Paris,” justified Valérie Pécresse, the president of IDFM. She also stated that this reform would be self-financed, although theoretically it represents an annual cost of 30 million euros in lost revenue if user behavior does not change.

Valérie Pécresse, however, expects this reform to lead to an increase in public transport use of 1 to 2%, while announcing an intensification of the fight against fraud. She also defended the price of 2.50 euros as being “socially and economically acceptable, while the theoretical equilibrium price would be 2.80 euros”.

Good news and criticism

This reform, welcomed as “good news” by some, obviously arouses criticism, notably from the left-wing opposition. In a press release, the opposition expressed its doubts concerning the promised self-financing and stressed that “the increase in the price of the ticket to use the metro will generate significant revenue and some disappointments.”

President of the communist, environmentalist and citizen left group, Céline Malaisé regretted that this announcement was made “without debate, prior information or a vote by the board of directors of Ile-de-France Mobilités”.


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