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Here is the date (and amount) of the next increase in pensions (13 million retirees affected)

Each year, the Agirc-Arrco supplementary insurance revalues ​​the pensions of former private sector employees. This increase is in line with inflation, which is currently 2%. If you are concerned, you will receive this amount on this date.

Millions of retirees will soon benefit from a nice increase in their retirement pension. This increase is not part of the reform, but its implementation has allowed for significant adjustments to be made for the benefit of private sector employees. Indeed, retirees from Agirc-Arrco, the supplementary scheme private sector employees, now only have a moment to wait to see the amount of their pension revalued. Each year, the organization revalues ​​the supplementary pensions to enable retirees to enjoy a peaceful retirement.

When will the next supplementary pension increase be?

A few weeks of patience

Every year, Agirc-Arrco revalues ​​retirement pensions on November 1, Boursorama points out. The amount of the supplementary pension is determined according to inflation. Thus, if the inflation rate is high, the increase will also be to allow retirees to have a stable purchasing power. Given that this year’s rate is 2%, it is very likely that the revaluation will be lower. For the moment, the level of the increase has not yet been communicated, but the scheme may decide to adjust the rate to ensure its financial sustainability. Furthermore, the amount of the supplementary pension is subject to a cap.

Who decides on the increase in the supplementary pension?

Unlike the basic pension whose revaluation depends on the government, the increase in the supplementary pension comes from a negotiation between the social partners. At the end of the discussions, the board of directors ratified the increase and the application took effect on November 1. Let us recall that the date of the next increase is a subject that concerns more than 13 million retirees.

Estimated increase in 2024

Based on the fact that the increase in the pension depends on inflation, the social partners agreed that it should correspond to the level of the rate for the period 2024-2026. They also validated another criterion which is the economic situation of the country in the coming years. To this end, the rate can be reduced by 0.4 points and thus bring the increase down to 1.4%. In addition, the partners have a margin of maneuver of 0.2% allowing them to adjust the pension downwards or upwards. These are only simple estimates while waiting for the calculations to be made by the social partners.

Important information regarding supplementary pension

Revaluation yes, but of an uncertain amount

The revaluation will indeed take place, but the amount has not yet been determined. In principle, each pensioner from Agirc-Arrco supplementary scheme should benefit from the increase on November 1, but since this day is a public holiday and precedes a weekend, it will be postponed to Monday, November 4, 2024. Furthermore, in 2022, 13.5 million pensioners with an average age of 73 years and 8 months received a pension of €516.

Further increases planned for 2025

Every 1st of January, basic pensions are increased according to the progression of the average value of the HICP. This year, the pensions of former employees of the private sectoragricultural and special diets have undergone an increase of 5.3%. To know the amount of the next increase, we will have to wait until the end of the year. However, the government can waive this rule in order to fill the budget deficit recorded at the level of the coffers.

Can the plan proposed to Matignon be implemented?

In early August, Bruno Le Maire, the Minister of the Economy, proposed a plan to reduce government spending by 5 billion euros based on the 2024 financial report. It is via the ceiling lettersthat he proposed a freeze on civil servants’ retirement pensionsHowever, this proposal was shelved by former Prime Minister Gabriel Attal.


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