Soitec launches a European project for the development of future high-frequency semiconductors
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Soitec launches a European project for the development of future high-frequency semiconductors


Soitec launches a European project for the development

future high-frequency semiconductors

Bernin, France, September 10, 2024 – A European research and industrial consortium led by Soitec, a world leader in the design and production of innovative semiconductor materials, has begun work to develop a future generation of high-frequency semiconductors based on indium phosphide (InP).

These technologies are targeted at applications ranging from photonics for mega data centers and artificial intelligence to RF front-end modules and integrated antennas essential for 6G mobile communications, sub-terahertz radar detection and beyond.

Indium phosphide (InP) semiconductors can operate at frequencies near or above 1 terahertz (THz), offering higher speeds and increased power efficiency compared to silicon-based technologies.

The 27-member consortium, called Move2THz, aims to lay the foundations for a robust European InP semiconductor sourcing and manufacturing ecosystem and address barriers to their widespread adoption, including the cost and availability of advanced InP substrates. The three-year project is funded by the European Union and receives additional funding from the governments of France, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands and Belgium.

Emmanuelle Bely, Secretary General of Soitec, declared:

“This project marks a key milestone in the integration of ever more efficient and energy-efficient semiconductor technologies. Together, we are paving the way for innovations based on indium phosphide that will transform sectors as crucial as 6G telecommunications, photonics and artificial intelligence. Moreover, it fully embodies our shared ambition to create a strong and autonomous European ecosystem, capable of meeting the technical and economic challenges of the large-scale adoption of these cutting-edge technologies.”

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Work officially began at a kick-off meeting on July 9-10 at Soitec’s headquarters in Bernin, France. The consortium members are:


Soitec (project coordinator)
Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN)
Almae Technologies
University of Bordeaux


Fraunhofer Society (EMFT and IZM)
Ferdinand Braun Institute, Leibniz Institute of High Frequency Technology
University of Duisburg-Essen
Freiberg Compound Materials
Microwave Photonics
Advanced Modeling Solutions (AdMOS)


Catholic University of Louvain


ETH Zurich
Albis Optoelectronics


Chalmers University of Technology
Low Noise Factory

The Netherlands

Eindhoven University of Technology
Smart Photonics




Move2THz is supported by the European Union Chips Joint Undertaking and its members, including additional funding from the national authorities of France, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands and Belgium, under grant agreement No 101139842.

Funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or of the granting authority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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About Soitec

Soitec (Euronext – Tech Leaders), a world leader in innovative semiconductor materials, has been developing cutting-edge products that combine technological performance and energy efficiency for over 30 years. From its global headquarters in France, Soitec is expanding internationally thanks to its unique solutions and generated sales of €1 billion in the 2023-2024 financial year. Soitec occupies a key position in the semiconductor value chain to serve three main strategic markets: Mobile Communications, Automotive & Industry, Edge & Cloud AI. The company relies on the talent and diversity of its 2,300 employees, representing 50 different nationalities, working across its sites in Europe, the United States and Asia. Soitec has filed over 4,000 patents.
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