Real estate diagnostician, one of the professions whose salary has increased the most in 2024
DayFR Euro

Real estate diagnostician, one of the professions whose salary has increased the most in 2024

Happy as a real estate diagnostician… According to the latest Expectra barometer of executive salaries, this profession is indeed on the podium of professions whose remuneration has increased the most in 20024. While accountants are out of reach with a jump of 10.8% in 2024, DPE and Carrez measurement specialists are a hair’s breadth behind cybersecurity consultants (+9%) with a very nice increase of 8.7%. While this increase is remarkable, it should nevertheless be noted that in absolute value, this profession is the lowest paid in the Top 10 of this ranking. At a median annual gross salary of 30,690 euros (half of these professionals earn more, the other half less), we are very far from the 55,110 euros of accountants or the 48,720 euros of cybersecurity consultants.

How can we explain this big increase that is pulling the entire real estate & construction sector, which is showing an overall salary increase of 4.1%? Only the “life sciences” sector (health, pharmaceuticals, biotech, etc.) is doing better in this barometer with an increase of 4.5%. According to the barometer, this is due to the fact that currently “Decarbonization skills are in high demand”. Yannick Ainouche, CEO of the Ex’Im group and president of the Chamber of Real Estate Diagnosticians CDI-Fnaim confirms this trend and details the factors that could explain it.


“Originally, this sector was mainly a profession for independent workers and it is only in the last 4 or 5 years that the share of companies has grown with recruitment as a result, he emphasizes. Furthermore, more and more diagnostics are required to secure a property, to allow it to be rented, to qualify for certain subsidies, for its building, etc. Nowadays, the typical real estate diagnostics company has 5 people: one in management, one assistant and three diagnosticians. And with the increase in recruitment needs, salary competition is emerging. Another element to manage: an age pyramid effect of this profession. Indeed, the profession has already existed for 22 years and knowing that it originally attracted mainly people in professional retraining, we currently find ourselves with a good number of “first generation” diagnosticians starting to retire.

“We are currently a real sector under pressure, says Yannick Ainouche, and unlike others, the training is long, from 3 to 6 months and often expensive, up to 10,000 euros. In almost 90% of cases, companies prefer to hire profiles who already have a diagnostician certification, who are directly operational, which pushes salaries up. For the moment, the profession does not have any real initial training and the chamber of real estate diagnosticians is campaigning for the creation of a BTS which would fill this gap.


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