Paris turns the page on the Olympic Games, health insurance deficit and Barnier looks for his ministers
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Paris turns the page on the Olympic Games, health insurance deficit and Barnier looks for his ministers

news – “20 Minutes” compiles for you the news that you should not miss this Monday morning

Did you miss the news from this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

The book of almost two months of Olympic celebrations in Paris has reached its final point. While the political crisis, opened by the dissolution of the National Assembly in June, had for a time made people fear the worst, the final assessment is more than positive. After magnificent Olympic Games in every way, the Paralympic Games, which closed on Sunday evening, have also succeeded in their challenge, that of thrilling an entire country. Attendance, atmosphere, performances… our journalist Aymeric Le Gall analyzes why France could well have organized “the greatest Games in history.”

This is a new red alert on France’s accounts. The figures for the health insurance deficit should not be good, its general director believes in an interview published Sunday by The Echoes. “The deficit in the health branch will probably be higher than the 11.4 billion euros expected by the Social Security accounts committee in June” and “should remain at a historically very high level (…) - 20minutes

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