Did you know that Viagra could reduce emergency C-sections in pregnant women?
DayFR Euro

Did you know that Viagra could reduce emergency C-sections in pregnant women?

This medicine, known as the name sildenafil citrate and mainly used to treat erectile dysfunctionhas shown promising results when it is administered during childbirth. Researchers from Guilan University of Medical Sciences, who conducted This study on 208 women, observed that Those who received Viagra were less likely to have an emergency cesarean section.

In the group that took Viagra, Only 13 of the 104 women required emergency surgery, compared with 27 women in the control group given a placebo.more than double. This treatment also appears to reduce the risk of fetal distress, a major factor leading to these emergency interventions. Fetal distress occurs when the baby does not receive not enough oxygen, which can lead to serious complications during childbirth.

How does it work?

Sildenafil citrate works by dilating blood vessels and improving blood flow. Researchers believe that this mechanism may also increase blood flow to the uterus during laborthus ensuring a better oxygenation for the fetus. The results, published in the Journal of Reproduction and Infertility, confirm previous studiesincluding research…

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