Michel Barnier at Matignon, the interminable soap opera of the political summer
DayFR Euro

Michel Barnier at Matignon, the interminable soap opera of the political summer

POLITICS – On Sunday evening, July 7, the results of the legislative elections defied predictions. Not only did the ” republican front ” blocking the road to the National Rally worked, but it is the New Popular Front which comes out on top in terms of number of seats, while the presidential camp finds itself defeated. The beginning of a vast saga around Matignon, as you can see in our video at the top of the article. And the last episode of which was revealed this Thursday, September 4, almost two months later, with the appointment of LR Michel Barnier.

Barnier Prime Minister: In government, the LR are about to weigh, despite their defeat in the legislative elections

The conclusion of a (long) sequence where everyone gave their profile, their hypothesis, drawing up a robot portrait of the ideal head of government, who would satisfy sometimes the left, sometimes the presidential camp combined with the right.

Remember, Huguette Bello, Laurence Tubiana, but also Jean-Louis Borloo, Xavier Bertrand, Bernard Cazeneuve, Thierry Beaudet and Karim Bouamrane. It was ultimately the former Brexit negotiator who won in the end, in a context where Emmanuel Macron was not particularly ready to appoint a left-wing personality who would reconsider his economic record.

This is why he played for time, in order to ensure that his head of government was not censored. Which led him to turn to the right which, paradoxically, did not participate in the ” republican front ” and now finds itself at the mercy of a National Rally that is negotiating its neutrality in exchange for a package of measures. It remains to be seen whether the political instability born of the dissolution will offer us a season 2.

Also see on Le HuffPost:

Michel Barnier, Prime Minister and “ex-Mr. Brexit”, revives bad memories in the United Kingdom

Michel Barnier speaks of “people at the bottom” during the transfer of power and angers the left


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