Is Michel Barnier “RN compatible” on immigration?
DayFR Euro

Is Michel Barnier “RN compatible” on immigration?

Moratorium – Moratorium on immigration, end of State medical aid, and family reunification, all validated by referendum, this is, among other things, what Michel Barnier, the new Prime Minister, was able to propose.

“Read and (almost) approved.” This is the mention that the National Rally could put at the bottom of the “program” on immigration of Michel Barnier, appointed Prime Minister by Emmanuel Macron this Thursday. Moratorium, end of State Medical Aid, and family reunification, all validated by referendum, this is, among other things, what Michel Barnier was able to propose, notably during his candidacy in the LR primary in 2021. A primary, won by Valérie Pécresse who will compete in the presidential election, during which the former European Commissioner and minister of Jacques Chirac finished third. Behind Eric Ciotti, but ahead of Xavier Bertrand.

Point by point, let’s take up the proposals of the new Prime Minister, already welcomed by Marion Maréchal Le Pen, and compare them with those of the RN program concocted for the 2022 presidential election.

On family reunification

In its 2022 program, the National Rally made the following proposal, without further details: put an end to immigration and family reunification. During the LR primary, Michel Barnier had declared during a debate between candidates on the BFMTV set: “we must give a co(…) - 20minutes

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