Lucie Castets believes that Michel Barnier’s policy will be “a continuation of Macron’s, or even worse”

Lucie Castets believes that Michel Barnier’s policy will be “a continuation of Macron’s, or even worse”

“A decision that goes against the logic of our institutions.” A few hours after the announcement of Michel Barnier’s appointment as Prime Minister, Lucie Castets, the candidate presented by the New Popular Front for this post, reacted in the columns of Mediapart.

For the civil servant, who announced that she was leaving her position at Paris City Hall to “try to continue the momentum”, the arrival of the former European Commissioner at Matignon “indicates that his policy will be a continuation of that of Emmanuel Macron”. Before adding: “Or worse: that he has made concessions a priori vis-à-vis the RN.”

“I don’t see to what extent Michel Barnier could implement significant improvements in the lives of the French in such a configuration. I don’t know what the nature of the discussions he had with the President of the Republic and the other political groups is, but it doesn’t bode well. I am very worried, both in substance and in form. The democratic message sent is very bad,” she continued.

“A negative signal”

Regarding Michel Barnier’s vote against the decriminalisation of homosexuality in 1981, Lucie Castets, who revealed to Paris Match that she wanted to “find a balance” between protecting her family, her wife and their child, and saying who she is, sees “a negative signal” in this nomination.

“I see this as a negative signal for all those who suffer this type of discrimination,” she said. “And more broadly, a signal of his lack of efforts in favour of political renewal. Michel Barnier, not only are these not new ideas, but they are reactionary ideas.”

In the coming weeks, the NFP candidate believes that we must “go back to talking to people to divert them from a protest vote in favor of the RN and the competition of precariousness”. According to her, “the left has moved away from workers, from the working classes” and “we must reconnect with a form of dialogue”. She announces that she will go “where people vote RN” to “expand the electoral base of the left” and wishes to “collectively embody what a left-wing alternative would be, within a few months if we are called upon to govern after the censure or in 2027”.



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