Braun-Pivet asks Macron to “call an extraordinary session” as soon as possible

“It is imperative that the National Assembly reconvene to work in the service of the French people.” Following the appointment of Michel Barnier to Matignon on Thursday, September 5, the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, asked Emmanuel Macron to convene an extraordinary session “as soon as possible.”

“It seems to me essential that Parliament meet in extraordinary session,” she wrote in a letter addressed to the President of the Republic made public on X.

An extraordinary session allows members of parliament to meet outside the official period, the ordinary session, at the National Assembly. Parliament meets as of right in ordinary session from the first working day in October to the last working day in June.

Prime Minister Michel Barnier, appointed this Thursday after countless consultations, “must be able to appear before the national representation to set out his priorities and take part in question sessions,” says the President of the Assembly.

She also believes that “the National Assembly must resume work that was interrupted by the dissolution and which responds to concerns expressed by the French during the last legislative elections” citing “security”, “purchasing power”, “health” and “housing”.

She takes as concrete examples the “proposed law creating road homicide”, the “regulation of furnished tourist accommodation” or the proposal relating to “safety in transport”.

“Finally, I am thinking of the commission of inquiry into the situation of minors in the cinema, live performance and fashion industries,” adds Yaël Braun-Pivet.

Under Article 29 of the Constitution, an extraordinary session must be requested by the Prime Minister or by the majority of the members of the National Assembly, i.e. 289 deputies. It is then convened by decree of the President of the Republic. The duration and purpose of this type of session must be done by special convocation.

During this extraordinary session, Michel Barnier could thus make his general policy statement. He would also expose himself to the risk of a motion of censure. A motion currently desired by La France Insoumise, the French Communist Party and the Socialist Party. Jordan Bardella, for his part, declared that the National Rally will wait to “judge on the facts his general policy speech, his budgetary arbitrations and his action” while reserving “all political means of action”.



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