The infusion recommended by a dietician to stop bloating

The infusion recommended by a dietician to stop bloating

Unpleasant, bloating can occur following the consumption of foods that are difficult to digest (legumes, dairy products, carbonated drinks, etc.), after a large meal or in the event of intolerances. As a result, the stomach swells and clothes suddenly become too tight. Fortunately, a particular spice can help combat bloating and regain comfort according to specialists.

Ginger has digestive and antioxidant properties

According to registered dietitian and nutrition consultant Jamie Lee McIntyre, studies have shown that ginger increases stomach motility. This means it can help food move more efficiently through the digestive tract, reducing the risk of food fermentation and gas.”the expert explains to the media Eating Well. Other research also shows that a compound found in ginger, gingerol, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation that disrupts the gut. Ginger also contains zingibain, an enzyme known to aid digestion, especially of proteins, and therefore reduce the production of gas that causes bloating. Zingibain, which breaks down proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids.

How to include ginger in your diet?

You can incorporate (…)

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