Driven by full employment, wages have increased by 4% this year

According to the latest edition of the Expectra barometer (Randstat), the median annual salary stood at 52,720 euros gross in 2024.

The salary dynamics of executives in France has not weakened in 2024. It must be said that this category is now benefiting from a situation of almost full employment, which is enough to encourage companies to be generous in terms of increases in order to find the rare pearl and retain talent.

According to the latest edition of the Expectra (Randstat) barometer* of executive salaries, “this year, salary developments are experiencing substantial growth” with an average of +4% compared to +4.1% in 2023.

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As for the median annual salary, it was set at 52,720 euros gross in 2024. Let us remember that the median salary divides the population into two equal parts: one half earns more, the other earns less.

Dynamics slowed by the economic situation

“This dynamic is slowed by a less favourable economic climate and growth. Lacking visibility, companies remain cautious in their recruitment and, although salaries are increasing, in particular to compensate for the shortage of candidates and the ever-present inflation, the increases remain moderate”, the study nevertheless underlines.

Obviously, there are variations specific to each sector of activity.

The “life sciences” sector (health, pharmacy, biotechnology, chemistry) is the one that has seen the highest salary increase this year, with +4.5% on average.

“The sector is benefiting from the sustained demand that has flowed in post-pandemic, as well as from the 2030 Health Innovation Plan which promises to boost projects and therefore recruitment,” we can read.

In the “supply” (logistics, transport) sector, salaries are increasing more slowly at +4%. “The uncertain geopolitical and economic context that marks the sector is pushing companies to exercise caution in recruitment,” emphasizes Expectra.

Despite full order books from manufacturers and subcontractors in the aeronautics sector and significant labor needs, wage growth this year remains modest: +2.9% overall.

Finally, with a salary increase of only +2.2%, the “office” sector (services, sales administration, customer relations, office management) is the one showing the weakest change in the panel.

The chartered accountant is in high demand

“Indeed, the assistance professions are being hit hard by the phenomenon of digitalization of low added value missions. This is an opportunity for companies to transform these positions to give employees a more strategic role,” we can read.

In terms of professions, with an increase of +10.8%, the chartered accountant occupies the top step of the podium. “These highly qualified profiles are lacking. To address this shortage, more than 30,000 recruitments are planned in the sector by 2025. The profession is one of the best-paid professions in the finance sector, with a median salary of 55,110 euros gross.

Median salaries and salary progressions for executives in 2024 © Expectra

The cybersecurity consultant comes just behind with a +9% increase over one year, for a median salary of 48,720 euros gross.

The third best progression goes to the profession of real estate diagnostician whose skills in terms of decarbonization are highly sought after. The profession benefited from an increase of +8.7% for a median salary of 30,690 euros gross.

Finally, when asked about their salary satisfaction, 7 out of 10 executives consider themselves satisfied, i.e. +4 points compared to 2023.

*: The barometer is built from all positions filled by Expectra (temporary, fixed-term and permanent contracts) with profiles from Bac+2 to Bac+5. In total, 62,926 pay slips were analyzed and enriched with smartdata representing 199 qualifications including 107 management positions and 92 ETAM positions (employees, technicians and supervisors), in the aeronautics, real estate and construction, industry, life sciences, supply, commerce and marketing, finance, office, HR and legal and technology specialties. Overall, more than 10,700 companies are represented. The barometer presents the remuneration and salary changes recorded over the period July 2023/June 2024 vs July 2022/June 2023. This barometer is supplemented by an Ifop study conducted among 1,000 executives, representative of the executive population in the private sector, aged 18 and over, by self-administered online questionnaire from May 27 to June 6, 2024, according to the quota method.

Olivier Chicheportiche BFM Business journalist


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