Can one piece of good news hide another? As of September 1, more than a million low-income retirees were able to benefit from an increase in their pension. This increase, averaging around 50 euros, is a measure resulting from the pension reform adopted in April 2023. The increase only concerns the basic scheme and more specifically the Minimum Contributory (Mico), a mechanism that allows the smallest pensions to be increased. If in total nearly 1.7 million retirees who have had a full career paid at the minimum wage benefit from this increase, it remains to be seen whether such an increase could also be decided for the supplementary pension scheme for private sector employees, Agirc-Arrco.
The circuit is different for the supplementary pension because the scheme is not in the hands of the State, but managed by the social partners, i.e. employers and unions. The latter set up a working group in November 2023 to discuss the mechanisms that could be created to financially support the most modest retirees. A launch under constraint, since on several occasions the State has threatened to draw on the reserves of the scheme (around 78 billion euros in 2023).
The first pressure will be applied in September 2023. At the time of the application of the pension reform, which raises the legal age from 62 to 64, Olivier Dussopt, then Minister of Labor, requests that Agirc-Arrco participate in the financing (…)
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