Éric Larchevêque speaks out on the kidnapping of his “friend and associate” co-founder of Ledger, David Balland

“I feel immense relief and profound joy to know that my friend and associate David, as well as his wife, have been released,” wrote in a message posted on , in 2014, with three other partners (Joël Pobeda, Vanessa Rabesandratana and Nicolas Bacca) Ledger, a start-up specializing in ultra-secure cryptocurrency wallets, notably bitcoin.

“I extend my sincere thanks and respect to the police, with particular mention to the GIGN, for their exceptional work and dedication,” he declares.

On Wednesday January 22, numerous rumors circulated on the social network

In his message, the entrepreneur returns to these facts: “I would also like to express my gratitude for the numerous messages of support received, particularly in the face of the unfounded rumors which have circulated concerning my own safety.”

He finally concludes: “As the investigation and police operations are still ongoing, I unfortunately cannot share further details on this case.”


According to the first elements of the investigation, the alert was given by Eric Larchevêque, who received a video of a mutilated finger from David Balland and a ransom demand, according to a source close to the matter.

It is a “large ransom in cryptocurrency” demanded, said the prosecution, without specifying the amount on Thursday.

“Part” of this “ransom was paid as part of the negotiation” with the police, but “the majority of the cryptocurrencies were seized and frozen”, however specified Laure Beccuau, public prosecutor of the Republic of .

In fact, ten people, nine men and one woman, were arrested in the investigation into the kidnapping and sequestration of the co-founder of a company specializing in cryptoassets, Ledger, and his partner, the prosecutor announced on Thursday. Paris.



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