At the financial director’s Jemepp home, investigators did not find any narcotics. On the other hand, they came across numerous bags of change in the colors of the Municipality of Jemeppe-sur-Sambre. There were approximately €3,000 in coins from the sale of trash bags or fines paid by citizens for being late at the library.
Four months suspended
The day after the events, the municipal college took the decision to temporarily suspend the financial director for four months. “As things currently stand, the elements brought to our attention taint confidence in the financial directorcomments the general director, Dimitri Tonneau. The college therefore took precautionary and precautionary measures, namely its suspension in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Local Democracy, to preserve the interests of the administration.”
The municipal money found at his home constitutes a serious offense. “It is prohibited to take money out of the Municipality unless this approach respects the procedure: as soon as a certain amount is reached, the financial director must make an appointment with the bank. The money is then directly transferred from the Municipality to the bank. The amount is then paid into the bank account. The director receives a receipt and enters the amount paid in a cash book.
-But for some unknown reason, the money, and more precisely the coins, ended up at the financial director’s home. “No one knew about it, we are told by the administration. Every quarter, a cash flow check is carried out and then presented to the municipal council. This is where what goes in and out is checked. There was never anything unusual. No one understands why he only kept the coins.”
Among the various people contacted within the Municipality, no one imagines the official using this money for personal purposes. They all consider more professional negligence. But all the same: if he is presumed innocent, the official is placed in the spotlight by the courts for laundering and embezzlement of public funds. The public prosecutors of Namur and Mons, contacted this Monday, did not have time to respond to our requests for additional information. The financial director also did not respond to our call. He also did not respond to the college’s invitation this Monday to provide explanations.