Leclerc, Lidl, Carrefour… This card that no one knows about saves 100 euros on groceries per month

Leclerc, Lidl, Carrefour… This card that no one knows about saves 100 euros on groceries per month
Leclerc, Lidl, Carrefour… This card that no one knows about saves 100 euros on groceries per month

Each supermarket brand seeks to attract consumers with promotions, attractive advertising and loyalty programs. But the question that remains on everyone's lips is simple: where to shop to pay less?

A study by UFC-Que Choisir was published at the end of last year on the subject. It provides valuable answers to those who fill the fridge at home. Particularly when it comes tooptimize your shopping budget. And, the association even offers a solution.

The two cheapest brands for shopping

According to the UFC-Que Choisir study, Leclerc and Hyper U are the two supermarket brands that offer the most competitive prices. These stores are well known for their discount policies. And, they outperform their competitors in several product categories. Particularly with regard to private labels. Because the latter are generally the best economical alternative to fill your cart without breaking your budget.

However, the association tempers this victory in their ranking. The reason? The price gap between the different brands has narrowed significantly in recent years. In fact, the average difference between the cheapest channel and the least expensive is now only 3.5%. Obviously, this figure excludes the particular cases of Cora and Auchan which are often more expensive than other brands. This price rapprochement shows a desire on the part of distributors to remain competitive. Especially in a context where inflation has pushed consumers to monitor their spending more closely.

Best practices for less expensive shopping

Beyond the choice of brand, UFC-Que Choisir reminds us that certain behaviors can help you avoid pitfalls and unnecessary expenses. Here are some essential tips:

  • Don't go shopping on an empty stomach: this may seem trivial, but hunger can encourage you to buy impulsive or unnecessary products.
  • Plan your menus: before going shopping, define your meals for the week. This allows you to make an accurate list of ingredients needed. But above all, avoid letting yourself be tempted by unplanned purchases.
  • Stick to your list: Once on the shelves, stick to your list! Don't let yourself be tempted by anything else, even in the face of attractive promotions.

And, for those who want to go even further to save money on their shoppingUFC-Que Choisir offers a solution. An interactive map the cheapest drives. This is an online application that allows you to compare the prices of different brands around you based on several criteria.

UFC-Que Choisir is launching a new card to save money on supermarket shopping.

An interactive map to save on your shopping

Here's how this new one works tool to save money :

  • Enter your postal code and the distance you are willing to travel (5, 10, 15 or 20 kilometers).
  • Indicate your family situation. This information allows you to automatically adjust the average basket according to your needs.

The map then displays a list of stores in your area, with several data. You will first find the average basket for your shopping according to each brand. Then, you can compare it to the national average. Finally, a department by department classification, which tells you the most competitive stores according to products. Thanks to this card, it is possible to make significant savings. According to France Bluethey can still reach 100 euros per month. A significant amount for many households. So, are you ready to review your habits to save money?



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