Towards a new child care allowance

Towards a new child care allowance
Towards a new child care allowance

The current federal support program for extra-family care, in force since 2003, will end at the end of 2026. Parliament is seeking longer-term solutions.

National adopted a solution last year involving federal funding. But the Federal Council was opposed to it, because it found it too expensive. The Council of States is also opposed to it. However, for the commission, Benedikt Würth (C/SG) noted the importance of national measures concerning extra-family reception.

The commission therefore concocted another project, aiming for a new childcare allowance based on the family allowance model. Financing must be settled by the cantons.

Believing that it is up to the cantons to act, the UDC, supported by some PLR ​​and centrists, is against federal aid. It is time to end temporary support, according to Jakob Stark (UDC/TG).

Up to 8 years

In detail, a childcare allowance is provided for children up to 8 years old who are looked after in an institutional setting. Daniel Fässler (Center/AI) successfully requested that the allocation be granted only on the condition that a national language is spoken within the relevant institutional framework.

The UDC and some senators from the Center wanted support to be extended to childcare by third parties, such as grandparents. If support for extra-family care exists, there should be support for all forms of care, according to Jakob Stark (UDC/TG), speaking of “discrimination” without it.

Ms Gmür said she understood the argument, but raised questions about monitoring this provision. Marianne Binder-Keller (C/AG) raised a financial overload.

The debate will resume during the third week of the session. Senators will have to decide in particular on the amount of the allocation and on the financial participation of the Confederation.

The senators again refused, by 22 votes to 21 and 1 abstention, and with the casting vote of the president, to perpetuate the program agreements currently existing with the cantons. Several right-wing elected officials noted that the task fell to the cantons. They know how to better define the offers adapted to their needs and their realities, said Ms. Baume-Schneider.



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