In an enigmatic video published on Sunday, December 1, an unusual day for a launch, Free announces the arrival of a new “limited edition” product on Tuesday, December 3.
While telecoms followers expect the imminent launch of a new Bbox Ultym, while waiting for a Livebox Wi-Fi 7 in 2025, Free could surprise everyone on Tuesday December 3, a little less than a year after having launched the Freebox Ultra.
In an enigmatic video published on its social accounts on Sunday December 1 (yes, a Sunday), the operator announces “roll out the red carpet” on Tuesday, December 3 to an unknown product. The video shows the curves of a Freebox Ultra, in red.
What will be the big announcement from Free on December 3?
Should we expect a new Freebox, when the operator has just revised its entry level with a Revolution offer at 19.99 euros per month? This seems unlikely.
The end of the video highlights a “limited edition”, which suggests that Free could market its Freebox Ultra in a new color, potentially red, on Tuesday, December 3. This may seem anecdotal, but it would be a first for a French operator. A box has never been offered in several colors.
Another unknown: who will this product be for? Existing subscribers? New customers? Both ? Will there be other material changes, like the famous TV box promised at the beginning of the year? Will there be any changes to the offer, with services exclusive to this Christmas offer? Free should publish its big announcement in the morning, as usual.
In October, on the occasion of its “communities day”, Free revealed its upcoming new features to several sites, in exchange for signing a confidentiality agreement. The Univers Freebox site, which knows what Free is going to announce but which does not have the right to say it, talks about a product which is not “not a new commercial offer” and who “is not intended for the greatest number”. The mystery should be unraveled on December 3, with potentially the last Free novelty of the year (on mobile, Free has already lowered its prices with a Family offer at 9.99 euros per month and deployed 5G SA).