Nobody Will Own an Electric Car in 20 Years: Here’s Why

Nobody Will Own an Electric Car in 20 Years: Here’s Why
Nobody Will Own an Electric Car in 20 Years: Here’s Why

Electric car news

Imagine a future where you no longer had to own a electric car to enjoy all its benefits. Intriguing, isn’t it? Let me guide you through the ongoing evolution of the very concept of electric vehicle ownership, which increasingly questions our traditional relationship with car ownership.

The technological shift is revolutionizing car ownership

The automotive industry on the front lines electric vehicles is undergoing a transformation marked by technological progress. Your interactions with your car are no longer the same; they are now mediated by technologies such as autonomous drivingoptimized routes via dedicated applications and connected charging services. These innovations redefine the daily use you make of your vehicle.

Even more revolutionary, remote vehicle management, allowing software updates like those we know on smartphones, changes the very meaning of what it means “own” a car. Your vehicle can receive performance upgrades or new features directly via the Internet. But this advantage raises a pertinent question: do you really own your car, or simply holder of a user license ?

The duality of software updates

This remote update capability can be both beneficial and detrimental. Adding features can improve the user experience and vehicle performance. Conversely, some updates can remove pre-existing functions without user consentsimilar to what we have already seen practiced by certain manufacturers such as Tesla with certain Model S, casting a chill on the notion of complete ownership.

Reducing the maximum available range of a battery to preserve its lifespan or tampering with autonomous driving systems are examples that can leave owners feeling a loss of control over their initial purchase.

The emergence of flexible rental

Faced with the development of technology and the evolution of user needs, the offer of temporary option rental is becoming more common. This approach offers more customization according to immediate needs without long-term commitment. Despite this, it contributes to transforming the traditional perception of car ownership into a more ephemeral and precarious form, linked specifically to the conditions dictated no longer by the owner but by the manufacturer.

Features like automated driving updates or interior comfort upgrades on high-end vehicles may be leased and not owned, raising questions in the event of disputes over their functionality or payment issues.

Repair constraints and limited choices

If you need to repair your electric vehicle, chances are you will need to go through an approved repairer. These specialists not only have the necessary skills, but also theexclusive access to diagnostics complex and software specific to your car. This situation reinforces the impression that the power lies more in the hands of manufacturers than traditional owners and could even mean higher costs and fewer choices for repairs.

Brands such as Tesla have already implemented policies where certain types of repairs, such as bodywork, require exclusive interventions by brand representatives, considerably limiting the owner’s autonomy in managing their vehicle.

The revolution of shared and autonomous mobility

Still not very widespread but already influential, the autonomous driving technology could mean that, tomorrow, sharing the road with autonomous cars will become everyday. You may never have to own a car to benefit from its advantages. Platforms like Citiz are already showing this trend with their shared vehicle offers.

Projects like the Tesla Cybercab where the Rhyme of Verne give us a glimpse of what the future of urban mobility could look like, with fully automated cars available on demand, radically changing our approach to vehicle ownership and use.

The next time you plug your electric car into a charging station, ask yourself this question: are you really the owner, or just a temporary tenant in the growing era of electric mobility? This view of ownership could well profoundly transform the way we experience the road in the years to come.

Written by Albert Lecoq

As a specialist in electric car buying guides, I am passionate about new technologies and am a strong supporter of the adoption of electric technology and sustainable mobility.

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