“A gift from heaven”

“A gift from heaven”
“A gift from heaven”

“Jackpot”, David Pichot could shout. This baker from Blotzheim (Haut-Rhin) – owner of seven establishments – can breathe easy. In debt because of (very) high electricity bills, he has finally seen the light at the end of the tunnel. And this, thanks to a generous – and surprising – donor.

Bakeries closed since June

A quick flashback. Last June, EDF cut off the electricity in its bakeries, reports BFM TV. The shops were plunged into darkness and the pains au chocolat, croissants and baguettes were thrown in the trash. The boss, after having to deal with Covid-19 and the increase in the price of raw materials, could not resist the increase in his electricity bills. His debt climbed to 90,000 euros…

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To save himself, he launched an online kitty in vain, which struggled to take off (7,450 euros collected) Editor’s note:). But here it is, the story of David Pichot reached the ears of the boss of the Grand Casino of Basel (Switzerland). He decided to completely wipe out the baker’s debts. And this, in exchange for plaques with the casino’s image in the bakeries.

“We are very happy”

“It’s a gift from heaven. I was contacted following the articles in the press. The director came to see me directly in Blotzheim to tell me that he wanted to pay the entire bill.”he declared to our colleagues at France Bleu.

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Enough to launch a new dynamic. “We are very happy to settle this bill so easily. It gives us courage, it remotivates the whole team”assures the man who employs 25 people who now just have to get back to work…

Learn more…



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