In 2023, CNOPS continued to draw on its security reserves to cover the deficit

In 2023, CNOPS continued to draw on its security reserves to cover the deficit
In 2023, CNOPS continued to draw on its security reserves to cover the deficit

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The National Fund for Social Security Organizations (CNOPS) held, on June 27, 2024, the 28th session of its board of directors under the AMO public sector, under the chairmanship of Miloud Massid, indicates a press release from the Fund. The board of directors approved the financial report of the Fund for the year 2023 and its activity report.

The auditors certified, without any reservation, the accounts of all the schemes managed by the CNOPS, which cover 3.8 million peoplewhich is a first for social protection institutions.

AMO: 3.11 million beneficiaries in 2023

The Board of Directors examined the AMO-Public Sector indicators for the year 2023. The number of beneficiaries reached 3.111.030 people, and the contributions of the insured amounted to 6.31 MMDHagainst 6.12 billion dirhams in 2022, an increase of 3%.

In view of this slow increase in contributions, and after the processing of 6 million sickness files, the payment of benefits reached 7.45 MMDH in 2023, against 5.86 billion dirhams in 2022, thus recording an increase 27%.

Total payments to policyholders and healthcare providers since the AMO came into force in 2005 amount to: at 79 MMDH.

A deficit of 1.28 billion DH

The gap between contributions and payments in 2023 generated a deficit of 1.28 MMDHafter two years of deficit, in 2022 and 2021, where the AMO recorded deficits of respectively 878 MDH and of 1.51 MMDH.

In this context, CNOPS was forced to buy back 1.6 MMDH of its security reserves to honor its commitments to policyholders and healthcare providers, exposing the AMO to the risk of its reserves being exhausted by 2027.

This situation is explained by the continued expansion of the basket of care, particularly in expensive medicines, without medical-economic studies, the high prices of medicines, medical devices and biological analyses, dental care, etc. as well as the delay in approving the decision to cap the reimbursement of ceramic-metal crowns, and the weakness of the system for medically controlled health care expenditure, the capping of contributions and the non-revision of their rate since 2005.

3.7 billion dirhams for costly and long-term illnesses

This situation is also explained by the increase in the number of people suffering from long-term and costly illnesses and their expenses, to 3.7 billion DH in 2023, or 53% expenditure. The CNOPS also adds the aging of the insured population (the number of retired insured persons increased from 20.8% in 2006 to 38.4% in 2023), as well as the increase in the claims rate from 51.6% in 2022 to 52.9% in 2023.

Accordingly, the Board of Directors approved a decision urging the relevant authorities to take theemergency measures are needed to ensure sustainability of the AMO-Public Sector and restore its financial balance.

The CNOPS board of directors also examined the bill on the merger of AMO schemes and “urged the government to preserve the acquired rights of policyholders and to protect the employees of CNOPS and Mutuelles in light of the ambiguous provisions of bill 54-23 on the merger of AMO schemes which threaten their future and exclude CNOPS and Mutuelle from the scope of AMO”, notes the CNOPS press release.

The board of directors also called on the relevant authorities to speed up the approval of the status of CNOPS employees, which has not not been revised since 2011. The delay in approving this status and the uncertainty regarding the future of the Fund and the Mutuals “are causing a haemorrhage of human resources, captured by institutions working in the field of social protection”.

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