candidates more sensitive to the employer brand!

candidates more sensitive to the employer brand!
candidates more sensitive to the employer brand!
The needs and expectations of job seekers have changed radically in recent years. This is proven by several studies, including one recently conducted by the WAT Maroc agency, which specializes in corporate and HR communications. The study, conducted among 1,418 participants, revealed that young job seekers attach great importance to the company’s employer brand. “The company’s reputation and image are essential for 80% of respondents,” reads a press release from the agency. 42% of participants, it adds, prefer multinationals that invest more in developing their employer brand and their reputation, and 21% opt for large Moroccan companies.

Companies called for greater transparency

The candidates surveyed believe that a company must have a coherent and identifiable brand identity, both in terms of discourse and image. The figures revealed by the authors of this study speak for themselves:

• 77% of respondents are sensitive to companies that take care of their online presence, particularly on social networks and via their website, and that create newsletters with original content and tone. The video format is popular in 78% of cases.

• 58% attach great importance to companies that promote a strong corporate culture (values, mission, vision).

• 52% focus on the projects and professions offered.

• 50% are attracted by companies that advertise their social benefits (insurance, paid leave, flexible hours).

• 50% want to know more about career opportunities (development, mobility, training and personal development).

• 46% are looking for work-life balance, but only 12% consider teleworking and flexible hours as decisive factors.

• 28% value companies that communicate on their societal commitments, such as CSR and diversity and inclusion policy.

Employer branding is no longer a luxury!

Suffice to say that HR departments no longer have a choice: they must work on their employer brand if they want to attract and retain the right profiles. The stakes are high, given the war to attract talent that has been raging for several years. In its press release, the agency explains that the employer brand is now an essential asset for companies, but it still needs to be well designed and deployed. And to note that for it to be effective, “the employer brand must be defined and developed in collaboration with HR, managers, the management committee, employees and even future employees.” Once defined, adds the same source, efforts must be made to promote it and make it known to targets, using the right words and the right channels.



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