He crudely disguises his license plate, this biker does not fool the police

He crudely disguises his license plate, this biker does not fool the police
He crudely disguises his license plate, this biker does not fool the police

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He probably thought he had found the genius idea to escape the radars but his plan fell through in the face of the perspicacity of the gendarmes of Lot-et-Garonne. His clever idea of ​​disguising the registration plate of his two-wheeler was unmasked by the gendarmes.

This motorcyclist, perhaps thinking he could avoid speed cameras and checks, had taken care to make his license plate illegible. However, the police, always vigilant, stopped the vehicle and were not fooled by this crude make-up. After a check, several infractions were noted, and the authorities confiscated not only the license plate but also the motorcycle.

Makeup that can be very expensive

For those who are considering following this example, it is worth remembering that driving with an illegible number plate carries a fixed fine of €135. And if you dare to deliberately disguise your number plate, you risk much more: a fine of up to €3,750, a six-point penalty, a three-year suspension of your license and the permanent confiscation of your vehicle.

The police took the opportunity to send a message to all DIY (Do It Yourself) fans: “Leave the makeup to the professionals“.

To sum up

A motorcyclist from Lot-et-Garonne disguised his number plate to make it illegible, but was stopped by the police. Result: confiscation of the motorbike and heavy fines. Driving with an illegible number plate can cost up to €3,750 and six points on your license.



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