EDF abandons the initial design

EDF abandons the initial design
EDF abandons the initial design

While the design project was advanced, the electrician will develop his project for a small nuclear reactor, Nuward.

EDF, which was to develop a first model of a small nuclear reactor (SMR) called Nuward by around 2030, has decided to review its plans to work on another design, we learned from the group, confirming information from The Informed.

This project was at the “detailed preliminary design” phase, but the group decided to abandon this design in the light of “the lessons learned from the engineering work and discussions with market players”.

“The EDF group has decided to evolve the design of its SMR”, but “remains mobilized to offer” a machine of this same 3rd generation, with “better conditions for success and facilitating technical feasibility”, he indicates. , without providing details on the calendar in particular. The future design will be based on “technologically proven bricks”, assures the national electrician, who had specially created a Nuward subsidiary at the beginning of 2023.

This SMR project was led by EDF in partnership with the CEA, Naval Group, Framatome and Tractebel. This SMR was to be one of the most compact in its category (less than 15 metres high), using the pressurised water reactor (PWR) technology used in the current French nuclear fleet but benefiting from innovations such as steam generators integrated into the tank.

EDF’s future SMR “will capitalize on the technical, industrial and commercial lessons accumulated by Nuward to date and will rely on EDF’s experience in nuclear power and PWR technology”, assures the national group on Monday.

These reactors, smaller in size and power than the current fleet, are considered by their promoters as a solution for on-site decarbonization of heavy industries that consume fossil fuels. More than 80 projects have been identified around the world. In France, a first request for official authorization was submitted in April by the French start-up Jimmy. Nine innovative reactor projects were the subject of the “France 2030” investment program in 2023, particularly Nuward.

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