71% of French people fear an insufficient pension

71% of French people fear an insufficient pension
71% of French people fear an insufficient pension

Life insurance and the Retirement Savings Plan are on the rise

The 2024 survey reveals a marked preference among French people for life insurance and the Retirement Savings Plan (PER). Life insurance, which had been supplanted by the Livret A in 2023, has regained the lead among investments considered interesting with 61% approval, followed by the PER at 57%. The rise in popularity of PER, measured for the first time, is impressive, even outpacing rental real estate investment.

Investment choices vary significantly depending on age. Young workers favor rental real estate and quick-earning financial products such as stocks and cryptocurrencies, while those over 65 prefer life insurance and Livret A.

More and more French people are saving for their retirement

The year 2024 marks an increase in the number of non-retirees investing money for their retirement, going from 51% in 2023 to 58% in 2024. That is more than half of those surveyed. This dynamic is attributed to a drop in inflation, making it possible to reduce precautionary savings in favor of long-term savings. Executives show particularly strong commitment, with 42% having subscribed to a PER and 25% planning to do so soon.

The main reasons for subscribing to a PER include the desire for additional income in retirement (46%) and the accumulation of capital (40%). Those under 35 are more likely to use the PER for tax benefits and the purchase of their main residence. As for exit preferences, annuity exit is largely favored by those who plan to subscribe, while those who have already subscribed prefer a capital payment​​.

The amount of retirement pension worries the French

A large majority of respondents (66%) believe that their current or future retirement pension will be insufficient to live properly, a figure which rises to 71% among non-retirees.. This perception of inadequacy is particularly marked among women and workers over 50, with 79% of women sharing this concern. Recent inflation has exacerbated the concerns of retirees, with a significant decrease in those who consider their pension sufficient, falling from 54% in 2023 to 47% in 2024.

For 72% of French people, “aging well” means above all being in good health, a concern which reaches 81% among those over 50.. Having sufficient financial resources and staying at home surrounded by loved ones are also important priorities.

Dependence is a major source of concern, particularly for those over 65. Nearly 50% of respondents want financial support for dependency to come under Social Securitywhile 36% of people already in a dependent situation plan to sell their home to finance their care.



NEXT Gas prices, DPE, savings plan… What’s changing on July 1, 2024