how this woman got her debt canceled

how this woman got her debt canceled
how this woman got her debt canceled

Due to a major malfunction, many new retirees found themselves in a situation forcing them to repay sums of up to 100,000 euros to France Travail. After asking for debt cancellation, some of them were successful. For others, you will still have to wait.

For these thousands of retirees concerned, it all started in 2022, when information held by the Retirement Insurance and Occupational Health Fund (Carsat) was integrated into the France Travail (formerly Pôle Emploi) database. Due to significant time lags, these former workers continued to receive unemployment benefit when they should have switched to retirement pension.

Because of these delays, which range from a few months to several years, the people concerned continued to receive payments from France Travail when they should be receiving retirement pensions instead. Once the bug was discovered, France Travail invited new retirees to reimburse the amounts they had unduly received. The amounts range from 4,000 to 100,000 euros.

For many retirees, repaying such amounts is implausible. Especially since during this entire period during which they continued to receive payments from France Travail, they did not receive their retirement pensions. Among the solutions offered by the operator, the possibility of requesting a discount or even debt cancellation. This is precisely what Isabelle did. The latter had received an email inviting her to reimburse a sum of 9,178.26 euros, indicates TF1 which reported her case. After requesting debt cancellation, the person concerned was successful. “France Travail has decided to review its position, your debt is canceled,” indicates an email received by Isabelle and which was reported by TF1.

The files of many retirees are re-examined by France Travail

But not all of the retirees concerned have yet had a favorable response. This is particularly the case of Philippe who, like Isabelle, was invited by the operator to reimburse the money unduly collected. In the case of Philippe, France Travail assures TF1 that his file will be re-examined in July,

For retirees who are victims of this dysfunction, it will therefore be necessary to be patient, because France Travail must re-examine more than 150,000 files. In addition to reimbursements, retirees affected by this bug face another problem: retirement pensions which are due to them, but which have never been paid to them. It turns out that things are a little more complex at this level. “In very exceptional cases, retroactivity of retirement is possible,” explained Retirement Insurance.



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