pension reform is being debated again in the campaign

Press conference of the New Popular Front, in Paris on June 14, 2024. JULIEN MUGUET FOR “THE WORLD

A year after being the subject of a reform which electrified the country for six months, the pension system returns to the heart of the debates, thanks to the campaign for the legislative elections. In the program it unveiled on Friday June 14, the New Popular Front confirms its desire to“repeal immediately” the measure contained in the law of April 14, 2023, which shifted the age of eligibility for a pension from 62 to 64 years.

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This promise from the left is castigated by Emmanuel Macron because it would lead, according to him, towards “bankruptcy”. The file goes back to the top of the pile, at the very moment when the Pension Orientation Council (COR), in its new annual report released on Thursday, explains that the plans, taken as a whole, would remain in deficit for the next forty-five years.

This is one of the points of agreement that was easily found. In the platform they presented on Friday, after four days of negotiations, Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV), La France insoumise (LFI), the French Communist Party (PCF) and the Socialist Party (PS) commit to restoring the legal retirement age to 62, which is in accordance with the unanimous positions taken by these groups for more than a year.

Slightly nebulous wording

More intriguing, the protagonists also evoke “the common objective of the right to retire at 60” – somewhat nebulous formulation which tries to accommodate the different points of view on the left. LFI, the PCF and several EELV elected officials would like the age of entitlement to go back from 62 to 60 for everyone, while the PS absolutely does not demand this. At this stage, the idea seems rather, initially, to legislate so that people who have carried out a physically demanding job can retire at 60, thanks to better consideration of arduousness. As for the project to reestablish this age as the condition allowing everyone to claim their pension, it would be more than a matter of “horizon” to achieve, ultimately.

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Until very recently, the National Rally (RN) also argued in favor of repealing retirement at 64. But his speech has radically evolved in recent days. On Friday, the far-right party indicated that it would return to the 2023 reform, but initially only for individuals who started working before the age of 20 (with a possibility of leaving at 60, under more advantageous conditions than today). The RN does not intend to go further, for the moment, because the state of public finances does not allow it, according to him.

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