The Council of State targets a deficit of 254 million

The Council of State targets a deficit of 254 million
The Council of State targets a deficit of 254 million

254 million francs deficit: the Council of State presented these amendments to the draft Budget 2025. Project which forecast a 4 million francs surplus in September. This deficit takes into account recent reductions in tax forecasts announced last week. Benefits to the population have been maintained, insisted the President of the Government Nathalie Fontanet.

The 600 new positions planned in the draft budget are maintained, but are postponed to July 1. Annuity of salaries is also granted to state civil servants. Social benefits are up 7.8% compared to 2024: health insurance subsidies are indexed to the average cantonal premium. On the other hand, the indexation of salaries to the cost of living is not granted.

Despite a downward forecast of tax revenues for 2025 (-257 million francs), the Council of State wants to maintain the level of state spending for next year, including the allocated financial envelope. to the tax reduction project submitted for vote on November 24. With these amendments, the executive says it is “attentive” to the conjecture.

The draft budget is on the table of the deputies of the finance committee. Parliament will vote in plenary on December 12 and 13.




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