Housing: the Senate drives home the point against Airbnb

Housing: the Senate drives home the point against Airbnb
Housing: the Senate drives home the point against Airbnb

At the end of a laborious legislative process of more than a year and a half, the law allowing the regulation of furnished tourist accommodation is about to be adopted. After its approval by the joint committee (CMP) on October 28 and its unanimous vote on November 5 in the Senate, all that is missing is the agreement of the National Assembly, hoped for on Thursday, November 7, to pass this text which marks a turning point in the fight against the scourge of short-term tourist rentals.

“Good news for housing in the face of predation by tourist rental platforms” rejoiced PCF senator Ian Brossat, who defended the text in the upper assembly. While previous governments had done everything to slow down and limit the scale of this regulatory project, Valérie Létard, the Minister of Housing, also welcomed “a new step taken”.

In conjunction with local elected officials concerned with the lack of housing, the senatorial right also supported this text, although it was more ambitious than its initial version which their colleagues at the Palais Bourbon had opposed.



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