Even when turned off, some devices continue to consume energy. Faced with this “vampiric consumption”manufacturers try to counter the phenomenon by equipping their products with automatic cut-off systems after a period of inactivity. However, many devices still escape this rule and draw electricity
without being noticed.
According to an Infobae study, certain equipment appears
among the most energy-intensiveeven in apparent standby. From fridges to toasters to chargers left connected, these devices turn out to be real little energy devourers, discreetly adding their share to the
annual invoice. A reminder that even supposedly extinct objects can still consume.
An unsuspected energy-consuming device in the house, even on standby
The study in question, reported by The Internet userlifted the veil on an unsuspected culprit of our energy consumption:
connected televisionor smart TV. This device, even when turned off, continues to draw energy discreetly. Between 0.5 and 3 watts are consumed while it appears to be at rest, which is equivalent to 2.5 to 5% of its consumption active. Why would a connected TV consume standby power? Because she is not
never quite extinguished. Silently, it checks for updates, keeps its internet connection running, and performs other maintenance tasks.
If this seems trivial, you only need to think of all these unplugged devices in our homes to realize their cumulative impact. This
“energy theft” could represent up to 20% of your bill annual electricity, a significant portion which often escapes vigilance. THE modern housesfull of sophisticated devices, push us to rethink uses.
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Even when turned off, the smart TV continues to discreetly consume energy
Unplugging appliances: a key action to reduce the electricity bill
To reduce your electricity bill, nothing is more effective than unplug your devices as soon as you no longer use them. This tip becomes even more valuable if you have connected objects, such as a smart TV or other everyday “smart” devices. Because, even when at rest, these devices often continue to run in background.
With a hundred electrical appliances on average per household, each action to reduce electricity consumption can make a real difference. Choosing LED bulbs or adopting the Eco program of your washing machine are so many little habits which add up at the end of the year. In addition, in a home, the energy spent on heating often represents the largest share of the bill. To reduce it, it is crucial to
control the temperature.
Heating, insulation and hot water: simple actions to save sustainably
Among the good reflexes to remember? Keep them living rooms at 19°C and rooms at 17°C, do not heat unoccupied rooms unnecessarily, lower the temperature when you are away and, in the evening, close the shutters and draw the curtains to retain the heat. Insulation also plays a role an essential role : from walls to windows, each well-insulated area limits heat loss.
photo credit: Shutterstock
Regulating the temperature, insulating and optimizing hot water are simple actions to save energy and reduce the bill
To go even further, opt for a auxiliary heating systemlike a wood or pellet stove, can heat part of the home in an economical and ecological way. Finally, we must not forget that hot water also contributes to the energy bill: use
a balloon at 55°C and installing water savers on taps are simple actions that reduce electricity consumption, while protecting the environment. With a little effort and consistency, each household can not only reduce their bill, but also make a gesture for the planet.