No heating, no air conditioning… the building of the future will be built in 2026

No heating, no air conditioning… the building of the future will be built in 2026

ECOCONSTRUCTION – A building designed to maintain a constant temperature without heating and air conditioning will be completed in 2026 in Lyon in the Confluence district. A first in France.

An ambitious and innovative ecological residential construction project will be built in Lyon in 2026, in the Confluence district. Named “Essentiel 22-26”, this building is designed to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature throughout the year, without using heating or air conditioning systems, its developers announced on Thursday.

The Green president of the Lyon Metropolis, Bruno Bernard, described this building as “symbolic of a climate-neutral and united city” during the official presentation of the project. The six-story building is designed by the Austrian architectural firm Baumschlager Eberle, known for its eco-responsible projects.

A constant indoor temperature of 22 to 26 degrees

Under construction, this innovative building will be able to maintain an interior temperature between 22 and 26 degrees, thanks to advanced environmental engineering principles and optimized architectural design.

Mathias Bernhardt, an architect at Baumschlager Eberle, explained to AFP that the building will benefit in the cold season from the heat emitted by the occupants themselves, as well as that produced by household appliances and lighting. This body heat(…) - 20minutes

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