Why 400,000 households will receive a letter from Fluvius

Why 400,000 households will receive a letter from Fluvius
Why 400,000 households will receive a letter from Fluvius

PMore than 400,000 Flemish households equipped with solar panels will receive a letter from network manager Fluvius from Monday. This invites them to install a digital energy meter. However, the offer is not optional: those who refuse to make an appointment may be subject to legal proceedings.

Indeed, the installation of a digital meter is mandatory. Users equipped with solar panels had previously benefited from a deferral. They had the added benefit of seeing their traditional meter go backwards when they produced a lot of energy.

However, those days are over. “It’s really mandatory. If people continue to refuse, or if it is difficult to make an appointment with them, this can ultimately lead to legal proceedings,” spokesperson Lara Lammens told VTM.

However, she hopes that it will not be necessary to come to this: “We are mainly trying to convince people of the necessity and advantages of the digital meter. » This should, for example, allow households to better control their energy consumption.

Customers can make an appointment with Fluvius online, via the QR code in the letter, or by telephone. “It’s free and takes about an hour,” she says.

By the end of 2025, Fluvius must have replaced all the old meters.




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