The industry lacks arms… and white hair

The industry lacks arms… and white hair
The industry lacks arms… and white hair

Our industry has never been faced with such a shortage of skills and labor. Dares (the direction of animation of research, studies and statistics) estimates that between 2017 and 2022, the number of vacant industrial jobs has tripled to reach 60,000. In 2022, 67% of business leaders in the manufacturing industry report experiencing recruitment difficulties.

The world of industry is recruiting (but no one knows it)

Gilles Attaf, co-founder of the French Forces of Industry (FFI) and president of Origin France Guarantee (OFG) considers “seniors” as an essential lever for reindustrialization. “We were sold that the world’s workshop would be in China and that we would no longer produce anything in France. Talents have left but they are coming back because we are seeing a change in paradigms. The industry is on the rise again. We listen to the seniors who also find a certain pride. Companies want to keep their veterans who have an essential role to play in the social pact that will pass through the industry. »

Gilles Attaf highlights all the advantages offered by industry compared to the world of services: salaries 20% higher, half as much burn-out and one quarter less work stoppage. In addition, seniors increasingly have the opportunity to develop their careers with a new challenge and to be relieved of certain painful tasks with the development of robotics and AI.

Initiatives are being put in place

For Stéphane Dubois, director of human and societal resources at Safran – 8,420 of its 45,000 French employees are over 55 – “if we want experienced employees to stay longer in the company, the companies themselves must even change their work organization. Today we are at 32% seniors, we are aiming for 35%. » Safran recently signed an agreement on the most physically demanding professions with a possible reconversion to another profession within the group after 50 years. Opportunities for retraining in analog electronics were notably offered while the group lacks skills in these professions for which young people are no longer trained. “When you train or reposition a 55-year-old senior, there is a much greater chance that he will be there ten years later, whereas a young person risks leaving the company more easily. »

Florence Poelman-Bonnevay, coach, researcher for the Fit2 Chair at the École des Mines de Paris, has just signed with Pierre Emmanuel Médioni the document “Career management for seniors: insights and business practices”. Together, they identify numerous initiatives deployed in favor of seniors. Danone thus implemented the Octave program in 2012, for intergenerational and inter-company leadership, born from the desire to give a place to all generations in the company so that they work better together in the service of collective performance.

The industrialist Legrand – 5,000 employees – has decided to grant specific conditions to seniors, family caregivers and people with disabilities, by authorizing one additional day of teleworking for them. The agreement clearly specifies that the system is aimed at employees over 58 years old “in order to take into account possible physical constraints linked to age while preparing the transition to retirement”. NGE, which has obtained the Employment + 45 label, has seniors and young people working together. When hiring young employees, pairs are formed: “The senior explains to the junior good professional gestures and the company culture. The young person brings his generation’s perspective on professions and his energy. »

The introduction of robots

If technology very often represents a threat to employment, using robotics and exoskeletons, new less strenuous positions are now being offered to seniors in the industry. AI can also limit professional wear and tear linked to repetitive tasks and allow you to focus on added value. According to the latest report from the IFR (international federation of robotics), the installation of robots in French industry is up 13% in 2022, reaching 7,380 units. France remains in 7th position in the world in terms of deployment of industrial robots, i.e., to date, 132 robots for 10,000 employees. The Champardennais automotive supplier Carbody (designer and manufacturer of parts based on plastic, rubber or foam) has equipped itself with around fifteen robots. The productivity and competitiveness of the company have been increased as have the working conditions of employees. BMW will test the introduction of humanoid robots in its manufacturing plants. The manufacturer announced a partnership with the company Figure, which aims to deploy general-purpose robots in automotive manufacturing environments.



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