Government under supervision, Philippine, Bambi, Iwao Hakamada: the 28′ Club!

Government under supervision, Philippine, Bambi, Iwao Hakamada: the 28′ Club!
Government under supervision, Philippine, Bambi, Iwao Hakamada: the 28′ Club!

This Friday, Renaud Dely deciphers the news of the week in the company of our club members: Isabelle Saporta, essayist and editorialist, Catherine Tricotdirector of the magazine “Regards”, Maxime Thiébautlawyer and doctor of public law and designer Thibaut Soulcié.

A look back at two news stories of the week:

The Barnier government already under the “tutorship of the RN”?

On September 24, Antoine Armand, newly appointed Minister of the Economy, said he was ready to collaborate with all political parties “as long as they are in the Republican arc”, excluding the RN from this category. A statement which provoked anger in the ranks of Marine Le Pen’s party. Michel Barnier hastened to call the MP to reassure her and disavow his minister’s position. While the left sees this approach as proof of the RN’s “supervision” over the government, Gérard Larcher (LR), president of the Senate, retorts that “the government must speak to everyone”. For their part, the presidential troops are swaying. “If there is an agreement between them, we must be told. But it will be without me,” says Erwan Balanant, Modem deputy, for example.

Murder of the Philippines: what lessons can be learned from the failures of the State?

The alleged murderer of Philippine, found dead in the de Boulogne on September 20, was arrested in Geneva. Taha O., a 22-year-old Moroccan, should not have been in at the time of the events. Sentenced in 2021 to seven years in prison for rape, he was released in June after reduced sentences, then targeted by an OQTF. He is then placed in an administrative detention center awaiting his expulsion to Morocco, which is slow to issue the consular pass essential for his return. He was released on September 3, although the judge of freedoms and detention wrote: “The risk of recurrence of criminal acts and therefore the threat to public order cannot be excluded.” The next day, Morocco finally issues the pass, but it is too late: Taha O., although placed under house arrest, is already in the wild.

The guest of the week is Charlene Descollongeshydrologist engineer. While the “water footprint” of a French person is on average 4,900 liters of water per day, the one who affirms that “water is political” publishes “Acting for water, the mode of citizen employment” (Tana, 2024). A guide to help us take action and implement change at all levels.

Olivier Faure vs Alexis Corbière: will the left vote to repeal the pension reform? This is the duel of the week Frédéric Says.

Should “Bambi” be produced at the cinema with real animals? This is the dot com of Paola Puerari.

After 46 years on death row, an 88-year-old Japanese man has been exonerated. The story of the week Claude Askolovitch is dedicated to Iwao Hakamada, sentenced to death for quadruple murder in 1968.

Finally, don’t miss the An international on Israel, which appears deaf to international pressure to decree a ceasefire with Lebanon, the photos of the week carefully selected by our guests, and the Continental Drift of Benoit Forgeard !

28 Minutes is ARTE’s current affairs magazine, presented by Elisabeth Quin from Monday to Thursday at 8:05 p.m. Renaud Dély is in charge of the show on Friday and Saturday. This podcast is co-produced by KM and ARTE Radio.



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