The People & Baby case, from growth crisis to scandal

The People & Baby case, from growth crisis to scandal

The private daycare group People & Baby caused a scandal in 2022 after the death of a baby. Today in turmoil, the company illustrates the rapid liberalization of a changing sector.

It is 7:30 a.m. when Lisa, 11 months old, is dropped off by her father at the Danton Rêve microcrèche in Lyon by People & Baby, on June 22, 2022. Myriam J. welcomes her alone and then cleans the premises before the other toddlers arrive. But Lisa cries a lot. Exasperated, the childcare assistant allegedly sprays her with detergent. The little girl dies at the end of the morning. This tragedy has the effect of a bomb. Investigation missions, reports, books… Tongues are loosened about the exhaustion of professionals, the cases of mistreatment that result from it and the dubious practices of certain managers.

Read also“Putsch”, “vulture fund”: standoff over the governance of daycare centres People & baby

People & Baby is not being prosecuted in this case, only the employee is being indicted. “This could have happened anywhere,” confided a competitor. But the group, which employs 6,000 people and welcomes 11,000 children in 583 daycare centers in France, remains the one through which the scandal arrived.

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On the market, People & Baby occupies a special, if not isolated, place. Professionals, competitors or suppliers often portray it as the black sheep low cost – something its founders have always denied, defending a “coveted premium positioning”. The group’s rise reflects the rapid liberalization of the sector over the last twenty years.

People & Baby was born in 2004, a stone’s throw from the Champs-Elysées. Behind the project, a couple in the city, Christophe Durieux and Odile Broglin, today 57 and 53 years old. He, an entrepreneur, cut his teeth in communications. She, a pediatric nurse, was a crèche director in the hospital public service. Parents of two young children, the duo stands out next to the young wolves of finance who are arriving in the sector.

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“At that time, the legislation on the methods of financing daycare centers was changing,” says Christophe Durieux in a 2016 interview.[…]


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