Former fashion mogul Peter Nygard sentenced to 11 years in prison in Canada for sexual assault


Former fashion mogul Peter Nygard was sentenced this Monday, September 9 in Toronto to 11 years in prison after being found guilty of sexually assaulting four women.

“Peter Nygard is a sexual predator,” Superior Court Justice Robert Goldstein said. “He is also a Canadian success story gone terribly wrong,” he noted, adding that he “used his wealth and power to commit four sexual assaults.”

In his verdict, the judge highlighted the intensity of “the violence, the damage and the duration of his sexual assaults” but also “the manipulations used to bring the victims into (his) private apartment”.

He also noted that Peter Nygard, who was in the room and wearing a black hoodie and white visor, had not moderated his behavior over the years.

Multiple victims

Delayed several times, his sentence comes almost a year after he was found guilty in November 2023 of taking advantage of his status as head of one of Canada’s largest women’s clothing manufacturers to sexually assault several women and a 16-year-old girl between 1988 and 2005.

A friend of Hollywood stars, traveling in a private jet adorned with his name in capital letters, and fond of lavish parties organized in his immense residences in the Bahamas and Los Angeles, he had pleaded not guilty at the opening of his trial.

For several weeks, his victims said they were “trapped” by Peter Nygard, finding themselves in a room with a bed, a bar and a door, without a handle, closed with a code.

The Ontario Superior Court trial was the first in a series targeting Peter Nygard for sex crimes against numerous women in Canada and the United States over several decades.

The Peter Nygard case recalled that of Jeffrey Epstein, the American financier who committed suicide in 2019 in detention after being accused of maintaining a prostitution network made up, in large part, of minors.



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