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Do you have the right to transfer your social housing to your children?

Do you have the right to transfer your social housing to your children?

Passing on your lease is not necessarily an easy thing. While it is entirely possible to pass on the lease of your apartment or house to your children, what about your social housing? A few years ago, Le Monde reveals, Patrice* passed on the social housing he had been renting since 2001 to his children. In fact, the man had left the apartment in 2011, leaving his wife and one of his sons to occupy the premises. It was when his wife died in 2016 that Patrice (thought he was) transferring his accommodation.

But not everything went as planned. In fact, Patrice signed an amendment stipulating that he would become the “sole tenant of the apartment”… without actually living there. In reality, it was his daughter and her partner who took possession of the place, with her little brother. Yes, but there you go. The eldest did not meet the resource conditions required to be entitled to the transfer of social housing, namely cohabitation with the initial tenant for at least a year. But since Patrice signed an amendment, the family thinks that everything is settled and therefore continues to pay the rent of 685 euros.

However, justice has caught up with the father. After an investigation carried out at the request of France Habitation, the landlord is claiming the sum of 56,387 euros from Patrice, the rent for the apartment having had to increase from 685 to 2,633 euros since 2016 in view of his annual income (which was very different from that of his late wife). This is what is mainly criticized against the father, (…)

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